Paltorc APPs & Download
Paltorc provides APPs customization for different E-bike systems based on can bus
Paltorc Bike App
Paltorc Bike App can measure and collect torque data, crank speed, crank angle / position, and distance traveled, then display it on your smart phone
Paltorc Bike App Features
Ability to see/control:
Pedal Assist System (PAS) Levels Control
Weight / Torque (Pedaling Force)
Pedaling Speed (rpm)
Distance (km/hr or mile/hr)
Crank Position
Total Travel Distance(km or mile)
Altitude for Biking Location(ft or meter)
Travelled GPS Map (Both Baidu Map and Google Map are Supported)
If you would like to screen record your display as you bike, Apple and Android both have built-in screen recording options.
For Apple: go to Settings > Control Center, then add Screen Recording.
Open Control Center and tap on Screen Recording to begin.
To stop, simply redo the previous step.
For Android: swipe down twice from the top of your screen.
Tap Screen Record, or swipe right until to find the button.
If Screen Record is not an option, tap Edit and drag Screen Record to your Quick Settings.
Choose what you want to record and tap Start.
To stop, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the Screen Recorder notification.

Paltorc Health App
Paltorc Health App gets whole month data history from Paltorc Bike App and display it in the Paltorc Health App. Its shows users pedaling cycles, altitude, speed, total distance, etc data.

Paltorc Health App Features
Provide Summaries of Biking Environment/Sporting data
All of the data are in smart phone
There is no need to use Bluetooth
Summarize in daily/weekly/yearly format
Biker's Burned Calories
All of Exercise Data
Routing Map
Biking Distance / Time
Slope Variation
Paltorc Service App
Paltorc Service App download and installs Smart Crank Firmware Software to Smart Crank. It can also diagnosis the Smart Crank.
Paltorc Service App Features
Smart Crank Diagnosis
Smart Crank Program Code Update
Service Record
User's Manual

Paltorc Indoor App
Paltorc Indoor App is for Exercise Machine. It displays calories burn, crank speed, how much time spend on exercise, etc

Paltorc Indoor App Features
Ability to control / monitor
Calories Burn
Crank Speed
Total Time Spend Exercising
Send both cranks exercise data to smart phone
Pedaling cranks collect torque, speed, angle etc. data
With Can Bus networking, more health monitoring sensors can be collected and sent it to smart phone
Apple Watch / Fitbit data can be traced with exercise data
Heart Beat, Body Temperature, Oxygen consumption, Blood Pressure etc. can be monitor with proper sensors
Generate Big Data for different applications
Exercise Data and Health Data can be stored in Cloud for further analysis
The Paltorc Indoor APP is similar to Paltorc Bike except:
There is no map
Both cranks generate exercise data for display/storage
More health monitor data can be added through Can Bus connection

Paltorc Apps Download
Use APP to Display and Store Data
Use Bluetooth to Connect your Phone
iOS & Android Compatible
Check distance travelled as well as speed
The Paltorc App gets data from the Smart Crank through BLE Module(Bluetooth Low Energy) and converts it into weight / force, Pedaling RPM speed and crank angle. From the force & speed data, a biker's calorie burned can also be calculated. APP can also be used for microcontroller flash program code updated through Bluetooth without using any hardware tool.
PAS(Pedal Assist System) allows biker to select the right ratio between personal pedaling force and motor output. PAS can be also adjusted for different road conditions for bikers.
The Paltorc GPS App can get bike speed, traveled distance, etc. Stored data can be sent to cloud for big data analysis.
E-Bike LCD Display is no longer required.